Alerts and Notices
The Adams Farm Swim & Tennis Club- Now named Gate City Rally Club; Owner: Rao Achanta.Please call 336-908-8176 or [email protected] for membership information *** Please note the HOA is not involved with the ownership or management of Club ***
New City Yard Waste Guidelines: Bridle Ridge Parkway: Will be repaved after 3/15/25. Click Here for other streets being considered by city in 2025 Duke Power: Replaced utility lines and have easement access to do so. Should you have any issues with the work in your area or on your property, contact [email protected]. Or Duke Power Support at 800.777.9898 Fishing at Adams Farm Lake: Residents and Guests (only) may enjoy fishing on lake beside walking trails. There is no fishing permitted in rear of homes (Millhouse, Brandermill, Highstream, and Coveview) City to fine if Trash Cans not stowed: Click here for more info. City illegal Dumping Notice- city fines While on your walks, please remove dog excrement. Pet stations are throughout Adams Farm for your convenience. Message from your HOA President Click Here Mackay Road Widening: This project is still pending due to (lack of) funding. Information subject to change. Your HOA requested NCDOT to investigate necessity of installing a protected arrow when turning onto Adams Farm Pkwy from Mackay Road at intersection. Upon their review of past 5-year accident history, the protected arrow is not warranted. However, due to their review, they have installed back plates on the signal heads to increase visibility. Additionally, they have installed 'signal ahead' signs on Mackay. We will continue to monitor traffic at this intersection. Repaired Erosion at Dam New American Flag at Gazebo Repaving Williamsborough Commons Subdivision in March 20th & 21st 2025 Lake Dredge Completed (to remove sandbars and sediment) (9) Streets Repaved Mulch added to all Cul-de-sacs Shoulder Repairs on Parkways Mackay Tower Entrance Sign freshly Painted Bridle Ridge Railing replaced Freshly Painted Boat Dock All Walking Trails Trimmed Lake Shoreline Vegetation Trimmed New Swings at Playground All fire hydrants have been repainted on both Parkways New Mood Center Signage Installed New Professional Adams Farm Business Sign installed on Adams Farm Lane New Mackay Entrance plantings New Median Plantings New Solar Tree Lights at Hilltop Entrance and near Lagoon Sprayed (environmentally friendly) Vegetation/Plants around lake Repaired sections on Walking Trails New vine plantings on berms off Adams Farm Parkway New flowers planted at each subdivision sign New drums added to playground equipment New Pedestrian Crossing Flasher on Bridle Ridge Mackay Road & Hilltop Railroad Crossing Repair (smoother transition to cross) Installed solar lights at walking tunnel near Dam & Bridle Ridge Installed lights to illuminate Subdivision Signs Installed lights on Walking Trail (rear of Cranebridge & Hartridge) Trimmed all trees at dam(stay off rocks signs installed along creek @ dam) Fresh Paint & New Trim on Boat House- accent lighting nearby on trees New Paint on culvert wall near dam under Adams Farm Parkway Removed overgrowth vegetation around lake & lagoon Repaired all water intakes around Lake New Hand-holds on Playground Gym New Lake Fountain Trimmed back trees on Parkway New LED Light at Gazebo New Playground Sandbox Surround (and more sand) New LED Color Lights under Bridge at dam 'No Access' Sign installed (near Millhouse) Lagoon Bridge stained Lake Retaining Wall repairs have begun (rear of Brandermill completed) Installed new posts at playground & athletic field (to prevent vehicles entering) Subdivision Signs freshly painted Mulch Spread and mulch at (29) cul-de-sacs Erosion work completed at Adams Farm Parkway (behind Millhouse) Pine Needles spread on both Parkways Erosion retaining walls on (4) sections on walking trails by August 2024 New Flag at Gazebo flag pole New Sandbox Toys at Playground Beaver Trap: We are in the process of removing our little friends who have made house in creek off walking trail near Bridle Ridge. Removed beavers behind Madison Apartments off trail.
Please email us at with any questions/concerns- we're here to assist our Residents!
NOTICE: The Adams Farm Community Association is not affiliated with the Nextdoor App The city allows an easement to utility companies and we unfortunately can not mandate the scope of their work. Any issues affecting your property can be discussed with North State Customer Service Center at 36-886-3600 or toll free 866-542-5900 Girl Scouts in your area: Please contact Leisa Fink at 336-369-7437 or [email protected] Report Suspicious Activity: Click Here Protect your Auto: Click Here Safety Tips (when a stranger knocks on your door) Click Here No dumping, of any kind, in the common area is permitted No Loitering after Dusk in the Adams Farm Community- City Police will Ticket No Solicitation within the Adams Farm Community: Adams Farm has a policy to NOT permit solicitation anywhere on the property. Signs indicating the same are posted at all entrances. Please garage all vehicles or park in driveway: PLEASE DO NOT PARK ON STREET Please leash dogs Coyote: If you see a coyote during the day please call animal control at 336-641-5990. If you see a coyote during the night please contact the police. Beavers: Attached is N.C. Wildlife Response to Beavers within Adams Farm Click Here Residents are encouraged to wrap wire mesh at the base of any tree on their property which might be affected by Beaver activity. The HOA will wire mesh those trees on common area that might be affected as well.